25 Jan 2025

That’s a tough one – I’m a lot of things.  First things first, I am a slave of Jesus the Christ.  He mercifully and miraculously opened my eyes, made me see, gave me faith, and removed the chains of sin and bondage that kept me enslaved to the things of this world.

Secondly, I am a husband.  My beautiful wife Sarah is my best friend, my sounding board, my support, my love, and my world.  God has blessed me more than I could ask or hope in her.

Thirdly, I am a father to four wonderful children.  They are growing up too fast.  The bible says “blessed is the man whose quiver is full”, and He has filled my quiver.  Two boys, two girls, four blessings from God without whom, our lives would be pretty dull.

Those are my primary loves, and those are the filters through which I view the rest of my life, the “frosting” on the cake that God has given me.

So, what is the frosting?  Theology, computers, music, martial arts, gaming (video, pen and paper, board, whatever), movies – those things are fill in the space between the business.

Those are things I like, but they are not me.  I am a slave of Christ.  That’s what matters most in the world.
